Wednesday, April 25, 2007

reaction to idols post

I was reading through Daniel's latest blog post and I think he made a really great connection between the different "vignette" type biblical tales that we see in the Kebra Neghast and the discussion of dismissing idols. I agree with Daniel that if we look at the description of an idol literally, the Ark of the Covenent is a structure or object fashioned from materials such as wood, stone or even gold that is meant to be worshipped. In fact, God commands the construction of the Ark upon Moses. Yet the true definition of an idol lies in the intention behind the object's creation, as well as how it is treated by the individual once it has been created. The difference between the Ark and the idols that Pagans worshipped before Abraham denounces them is their function. Pagans worshipped the idols themselves, as if the actual material object was a God itself. The Ark was created with the intent that it would hold God's law, which should be worshipped and followed. The actual ark is not what is important. It is merely a means of holding the religious artifacts. This is what separates it from the creations that figures such as Abraham and the Queen of Sheba look down upon. What the ark represents is indeed religious and very spiritual. Yet God does not command us to pray to the Ark. It only matters what is inside. As Daniel says in his post, "This icon is only valuable when viewed as a symbol, and not as just an object."

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